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function captureUTMParams() { console.log("JavaScript is running on this page."); // Debugging log const params = new URLSearchParams(; // Extract UTM parameters or default to empty strings const utm_source = params.get("utm_source") || ""; const utm_medium = params.get("utm_medium") || ""; const utm_campaign = params.get("utm_campaign") || ""; // Debugging: Log UTM parameters to the console console.log("UTM Source:", utm_source); console.log("UTM Medium:", utm_medium); console.log("UTM Campaign:", utm_campaign); // Store UTM parameters in local storage if (utm_source) localStorage.setItem("utm_source", utm_source); if (utm_medium) localStorage.setItem("utm_medium", utm_medium); if (utm_campaign) localStorage.setItem("utm_campaign", utm_campaign); } // Call the function to capture and store UTM parameters on page load captureUTMParams();